
Install Flash plugin for Opera in Ubuntu Edgy

There's a package named "flashplugin-nonfree", in Ubuntu Edgy package repository:

Package flashplugin-nonfree

  • edgy (web): Macromedia Flash Player plugin installer [multiverse]
    7.0.68~ubuntu3: i386
ps: for latest flash plug-in (version 9), you may need some external source list.

install it first. It will install flash plug-in module into "/usr/lib/firefox/plugins" directory.

Then edit your Opera configuration file in your home directory: ~/.opera/pluginpath.ini, adding the following line into the "Paths" section:

ps: you can find there's already another two plug-in paths in the file.

Restart Opera, and type "opera:plugins" in the address bar of Opera browser, you can find that Shockwave Flash plug-in has been already installed.
